Wings Of Light 1979 Lp

This private Christian/Gospel album was released on Daystar Records in 1979. Wings of Light was an obscure christian group. They recorded probably 3 albums. The second album was released on Christian Artist Records entitled “In different light” in 1982. The last album entitled “Alien” was distributed by Dayspring in Europe, but it seems that few copies actually made it rare. However it was different style (AOR) than the two first albums. They are Fred Heumann, Keith Boll, La Roy Cadiz, Ed Dechard, Steve Gabrielse, Patti Grover, Leann Hendrickson, Glen Holmen, Dave Mullins, Mike Ross, Larry Tardy and Jeff Taylor. Arranged by Clark Gassman, Bob Krogstad & Terry Winch. Produced by Stilwell.
I have chosen two tracks entitled "What a difference You've made in my life" (first recording by Amy Grant in 1977) and "He loves you" (first recording by Seawind 1976).

Note: The above posted tracks are not played in full


Anonymous said…
awesome group, i think the only group with different style to make music, i think, is high than farrell & farrell (81) andrus blackwood (82)
Anonymous said…
oh my Lord, an very exclusive lp,sadly i have incomplete, but i think is better than farrell & farrell (81) and andrus blackwood 82

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