Tim Murray & Melvin Davis - Thinking of you

Tim Murray is an unknown blue-eyed soul singer from Detroit. Murray had influenced from Marvin Gaye and Levi Stubbs. He released a single entitled "Thinking of you / Street people" on his own label called Detroit Traks records (subsidiary of Rock Mill label). He had the pleasure to collaborate with the great Melvin Davis. The talent and expertise of Melvin Davis helped Tim Murray.
Tim and Melvin wrote both of the songs about in 1982. "Thinking of you" was co-written at the first meeting Davis ever had with Tim Murray. At the studio this song was recorded of Tim Murray and Melvin Davis, though only Murray's version became an official release.

Davis' version eventually saw the light of day in the 1996 on a Japanese CD entitled "Love, Truth and Victory" on P-Vine which featured all of his Rock Mill songs.
In the decade 2000 the British Hayley records released CD entitled "His Greatest Recordings" which includes version of "Thinking of you".
In the decade 2000 the British Hayley records released CD entitled "His Greatest Recordings" which includes version of "Thinking of you".
Note: The above posted tracks are not played in full