Kip Carmen's musical journey

Hello my friends, after my appearance about three months ago with Kip Carmen on Jazzy Radio in Hungary and the show Soul Session, I decided to present this article. It is a great moment for me writing these words about him. I discovered him in 2010 when I found the vinyl record 45 by the group called Compass . I noticed on both sides of the vinyl that the composer was Kip Carmen. I started searching for information about Kip. I found his website and tracked down unreleased material that was never released. I listened carefully to all the songs and I immediately liked the song ' Tecihila ". A few months later in 2011 I managed to come in contact with him, something that I wanted very much! I was wondering how all of these songs remained unreleased on the shelf till that time. Finally I received an answer from Kip Carmen himself. Kip Carmen is a guitarist, composer and singer. He started his career as a musician and songwriter in the mid 1960's at the age of 14 an...